Thursday, May 31, 2012

Rain Rain Go Away

Today was the perfect day to run, 50's and soggy, but time was spent at school with the kids as they wrap up their school year. So today it was me, the TV, a kettle Bell and Bob Harper. Thanks for the work out Bob.

I can't believe that tomorrow my daughter becomes a 1st grader, and come Monday I will have a 3rd and 5th grader. Where did time go? Sometimes I think it was all a blur, and as much as I can't wait to spend the summer having fun with my kids, I can't help but be sad, because the summer will fly by, and they will be back to school. They will be another year older, as will I.

I think this school year I spent so much time fighting to get better services for Cody, that I didn't get to enjoy it too much. And when summer wraps up this fall, I will be starting a whole new battle, with a new school, since we recently moved. But I hope that there will be more time to not sweat the small stuff and just enjoy it.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A little bit of inspiration

Who is that handsome boy? Why yes, that is Cody Piver "running" the 40 yard dash....his quote "I came in last mom, but I did it" yes son u did it, and you will always be #1 in my heart (along with his brother and sisters....of COURSE) 

The beginning of something great.

Everything that we do in life, we do because someone or something inspired us.

In 2003 I became a mom for a second time, a little boy, Cody, little brother to Peyton, and an instant inspiration. All babies are inspirational, giving birth to this creature created by you. But Cody was especially inspirational, because he was born small and mighty, 3 months too early, and barely 2 pounds and the length of a ruler.

Cody spent the next 3 months in the NICU at Loyola University Hospital. He had sustained a brain bleed, which we knew would leave him with developmental delays, he had lots of ups and downs, but he came home in time for Christmas 2003.

Fast forward to August 2008 lots had happened, Cody had turned 5, he had become a big brother,to his sister Riley, who had just turned 2, he started a new school, and he was about a year post op from a spinal surgery that had given him the ability to walk. A feat that we had been told long before, he would never accomplish. He worked SO VERY hard to get there. Cody has Cerebral Palsy, but it never seems to slow him down much. But he at that point in time had LOTS of physical therapy,

One day he was having an extraordinarily rough session, he was crying proclaiming he just couldn't do anymore. I looked at him, told him he can do anything, and if he finished his routine, I would go out and walk/run a mile. He completed his task, and mom was on the hook. That night I went out and walked that mile. The point of the story? My son got me hooked on running, starting that day in 2008, I decided to try to inspire my son, as much as he inspires me.

I started walking a mile, then started doing some running with it. And then with some guidance from my aunt, I started doing some real training, and by the May 2009 I competed in my first 5k race. It was great and all my kids were proud of me, but Cody was more excited.

Now here we are in 2012, and even more changes, Cody became a big brother a second time his youngest sister is almost 2, he now does some sports through a special recreation program about 25 miles from us, most recently, track and field, and all the running I do now was so worth it, when he said, " mom I want to run just like you " fills my heart with joy. Running gives me a look into Cody's world, the sweat, the muscle aches, the feelings of accomplishment when I get a good time, feelings of frustration I get when I have an all around crap run. All of my children have been inspired by this running thing too. Peyton is now 10 and wants to run a 5k, Riley who is 5, wants to run with me all the time, and Cait my sweet toddler wants to go go go too. Everyday I try to find something to inspire me to run, it doesn't always happen, sometimes it's a chore, but this ex couch potato is very greatful for all the things that have made me who I am. I want to use MY story, to inspire more moms to get up and out the door. No excuses, I hated running, and I am no where near an Olympic runner, but I do it.