Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The scale doesn't lie

January 1st, 2012 I made a commitment to myself to get fit and lose weight. With my last pregnancy I tipped the scales at 210 pounds, and at only 5 foot 2 inches, that is a LOT of weight. After I had my daughter in 2010 I was stuck at 189 pounds for ever, and I didn't worry too much about it, because I was still breast feeding. But on this New Years Day, I decided that I needed to find the fitness level I had achieved in 2009 when I had first discovered my love of running. So I have been doing a diet that consists of very little to no sugar, whole foods, limited animal product, NO dairy, and I found a friend in my juicer and green smoothies. Add in my kettle bells and my running, and the pay off has been huge. 40 pounds GONE. Just like the scale didn't lie about my 189 pound body, it didn't lie yesterday when I weighed in at 149 pounds. I am not done losing weight, I want to be under 130 pounds by the end of summer, but I am pretty Dang proud of myself for what I have accomplished thus far.

Monday, June 11, 2012

The Competitive Edge

<p>Yesterday I completed my first ever non sprint style triathlon. Distances were: 400 meter swim, 14 mile bike, and 4 mile run. I was less then happy with my times. As much as I try to tell myself that my only goal was to finish, it just isn't working. </p>
<p>I had lots of technical difficulties with the bike I was using, combined with my lack of biking ability lead to a HORRIBLE performance on that 14 mile bike ride. Coming in dead last on the bike is NO fun. You know you are in last place when the Batavia police are following closely behind you to make sure you are safe. I set out on this journey of running and competition for my son. And I keep telling myself that. I keep saying that I don't have a ton of time to really dedicate to full time training. As I am a mom of 4, and my husband works all night and sleeps all day. Throw in baseball for one kid, cuddle time for another kid who has been on and off under the weather for the past month, end of school year activities, it leaves little time for me to do what I need to do to be more competitive so I need to start figuring out a better way to consistently train.

For me just crossing the finish line isn't enough. I want better times, something I can be proud of.

I look forward to the Batavia Triathlon next year, and plan to improve much.

I guess I am way more competitive than I thought.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Running on Empty

Today was a bike ride, it was short sweet and to the point. Today was a busy day for us. And for Cody his day was spent in bed and lounging around. Cerebral Palsy can just be plain old tiring. Kids with this disorder have to work so much harder to do everything. After a weekend of playing with friends, going to Great America, I think it all came crashing down on him today.

All that activity is a lot for any 8 year old boy, but for Cody, it turns him in to a 90 year old. Makes him physically ill, and wipes him out. So I just try to remember these times when I am training, and I feel like giving up. Cody never complains, he worked him self up like he is today and never complained about being tired, or not feeling well. In fact the only way I know he is hurting is because he moves really slow, he is falling asleep sitting up, he became physically ill, and it is just obvious to see it in his face.

Like I said this kid is my inspiration, I complain when my muscles are sore from a run, but he never complains when he hurts from just being 8.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Eating on a budget

I keep hearing people saying that they can't afford to eat healthy. They say they are super tight on money and of course eating Crap food is cheaper. But I don't think those people have ever really sat down and done the math. Think of fruit snacks, they are generally on the cheaper side and they are convenient. But what about rasins? They are sweet, cheap and super convenient to buy in little boxes and stick them in a diaper bag or purse. Chips, cost say $4.00 (give or take for a bag of Lays) grapes I just bought a bunch for the same price. Want salty? Get some kale, make some home made kale chips, easy, cheap, and GREAT (no seriously when I make them my kids can't get enough and I rarely get any at all cause they eat them all).

I think that some people are afraid to think outside the box. Search the web, find bloggers with fun recipes, try new veggies, new fruits, etc. When you shop, shop the isles last, produce first, meats and proteins second and isles should be last. The point of that is to buy your necessities first, your whole foods. Because when I go over my food budget it is usually the cereals, cookies, and other "junk" my kids throw in, that put me over. I am on a very tight budget, I have 6 of us to feed daily, I am lucky to get by on $600 a month for groceries. I changed the way I shopped as part of my new year resolution, and I buy much better food now, and don't spend a dime more. In fact I have found I save money. Now I do NOT buy organic. I can not afford that. But I do make sure to buy my meats from a good butcher, we don't eat as much meat, as before because I fill their plates and mine with more veggies, so they get more full on the veggies.

I guess I am just tired of hearing the money excuse. It is one I hear a lot when people ask me how I have lost 40 pounds ( Topic planned for a future blog), and I tell them I switched to a whole foods diet.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Some times we all need some fun.

So this weekend would normally be filled with a ling run, or a brick work out, but this weekend was a fun time. I should have done some harder training considering that my first triathlon in 3 years is next Sunday. And the first triathlon that is longer then a Sprint distance. But this week I spent some much needed time with friends and family. The family spent time with some very special people. My best friend and her beautiful family. And then my little clan went to Six Flags Great America for the first time. So although this weekend did nothing for my training, it sure did feel great.