Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Running on Empty

Today was a bike ride, it was short sweet and to the point. Today was a busy day for us. And for Cody his day was spent in bed and lounging around. Cerebral Palsy can just be plain old tiring. Kids with this disorder have to work so much harder to do everything. After a weekend of playing with friends, going to Great America, I think it all came crashing down on him today.

All that activity is a lot for any 8 year old boy, but for Cody, it turns him in to a 90 year old. Makes him physically ill, and wipes him out. So I just try to remember these times when I am training, and I feel like giving up. Cody never complains, he worked him self up like he is today and never complained about being tired, or not feeling well. In fact the only way I know he is hurting is because he moves really slow, he is falling asleep sitting up, he became physically ill, and it is just obvious to see it in his face.

Like I said this kid is my inspiration, I complain when my muscles are sore from a run, but he never complains when he hurts from just being 8.

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